NES in the Past

The first school was built in Niverville in 1884. The first teacher was Miss C. Barnes who made a monthly income of $35.The second building was built in 1912. It was used until 1947 when the third building was constructed.This third school building, built in 1947, was destroyed by a fire in 1960.

NES Today

Our present building was constructed in four stages:Front of Niverville Elementary School

1961 – 6 classrooms

1966 – 2 classrooms added

1971 – 4 classrooms, open area, multi-purpose room, and kindergarten added

1978 – 5 classrooms, science room, kindergarten and gymnasium added. Existing gymnasium converted to resource center and open area changed to closed classrooms.

The present building has an area of 37,600 square feet.